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3 Ways Positive People Stay Positive -

Nov 11, 2021

I hate to break it to you but perfection doesn’t exist.

There are pros and cons to EVERYTHING.

When we look at the things in our life…

Where we live, our job, our partner, our pets, ourSELVES we will see things that we love and appreciate, AND things that drive us absolutely nuts!

And this is life — this is what makes it exciting and challenging and exhilarating!

These are the things good stories are made of.

What can catch us off guard is when we lose that balance and start to sway too much to the pro side or too much to the con side.

The difference in this is dependent on what we focus on.

We don’t want to fall victim to positive toxicity whereby we neglect negative emotions and lack empathy and understanding .

On the other hand, focusing too much on the negatives can lead to anxiety and depression.

So what are some things that we need to be aware of and what are some things that we can do to help us with this balance?

At the end of the day, it’s important for each of us to find what works for us as individuals when carving out our lives. There is so much in life that we do not have control over, but at the same time, do not underestimate the amount of things we DO have control over, even if it’s something as basic and important as how we feel.

My hope is that you will take this awareness and continue to learn, grow and create the life that you want for yourself. One that will inevitably be full of ups and downs; one that is filled with joy and creates an amazing impact on the lives of others.

May you learn to navigate this perfectly imperfect experience we call life!

Wishing you success :)

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