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Guard These 2 Things With Your Life - Tips to Save 2 of Your Most Precious Resources

Nov 11, 2021

Let’s talk about 2 of the most precious resources you’ll ever have.

Two things that are generally abundant in our younger years, and become oh so priceless with age.

The two things I’m talking about are (drumroll please)…our time and our energy. (mic drop)

I’ve been there too. Wasting time, not conscious of how I use my time, spending too much time working or scrolling through social media, and what I’ve learned is that, because we have a limited amount of time and energy, when I do this, something else always gives.

If I overwork myself, I don’t have the time or energy to spend with my family, or exercise, or …..(fill in the blank).

So how do we get out of this crazy loop and start maximizing these incredible resources we’ve been gifted?

Here’s a start:

This brings to point 1.

1.  For God’s sake- plan!  I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve seen situations without a plan crash and burn, and on the contrary, situations with a plan A, B and C (backups are useful) not only succeed, but exceed expectations.

2. Use your time wisely.  Make each thing you give your time to a conscious choice, even if it is relaxing, spending time with loved ones, your work or your health. When you choose consciously, it is less likely you will regret your decision later.

3. Create more time.  Ok so even though we technically can’t do this, what we can do is give the illusion and feeling of more time, by delegating some of the tasks we need to get done, to others. Many business owners understand that the power of good leverage (ie. people to help you achieve the company vision), can be the difference between struggling alone and working as a team.

When it comes to energy, here are a few useful points to remember:

1.  Conserve, conserve, conserve!  If you run 100 miles first thing in the morning, how much energy do you think you will have for the rest of the day’s activities?  My guess is very little or none.  It’s really important to balance your personal energy expenditure to suit the things you want to get through on any given day.

2. Just like time, choose wisely and consciously, the things you want to give your energy to. A screaming match with your three year old may be more of an energy drain than an energy fueler. You may want to consider another option.

3. Create more energy.  Ah! This one we can do… 

There are a few ways to create more fuel. Food is a big one. By making healthy eating choices, your food will not only be your medicine, but also the fuel for all the things you want to do in life! 

Exercise! Helps create more energy and put you in a positive mental and emotional state.

On that note, do the mental and emotional work you need to, to keep you in a healthy state of mind.

And finally, get enough rest and sleep. This is where your body will heal and recharge and get ready to serve you again day after day after day.

The mastering and maximizing of your time and energy is something that will ebb and flow throughout your life, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

Take some time to find your groove and what works (and doesn’t work) for you.

Chat with others, join a community, see a professional.

There are so many options to help you get it done.

Hoping you will take some time to invest in yourself and the quality of life you deserve by leveling up your habits, and your personal and professional development.

Until next time.. happy time and energy saving!


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