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The Ultimate Advice For Every Busy Body- 5 Tips To Be More Intentional and Productive

Aug 24, 2021


I used to think that being busy meant that I was important and contributing and being constructive in my life.

As a new wife and working mother, I slapped that S on my chest and aimed to do everything under the sun!

I overcommitted myself to different organizations, volunteered at the school, ran around to various extracurriculars, managed my business and home …and I was exhausted!!
After many years of this (I admit embarrassingly), I wasn’t any closer to what I really wanted in life…in fact, I didn’t actually know what I really wanted in life. I was kind of just going with the flow. I came across this quote recently that said:
“Confidence without clarity is always a disaster.” -Jaggi Vasudev

At this point, I was lacking in both confidence and clarity. I really had no idea what I was doing or what results I was looking for but I did know that I was doing a lot of stuff and was feeling like a spinning top in mud. 

The best thing I could do at this point was to step back and analyze my situation. I had reached a threshold and couldn’t go on like this any longer. The quality of my life and health was plummeting quickly. Upon further introspection of my situation as well as struggling with the health issues of being overworked and overwhelmed, I realized that something needed to change. 

There was too much busyness and not enough enjoyment. I was doing “everything” but what did I have to show for it? At the same time, it was hard to perform to the best of my ability being so tired all the time- I needed a mindset shift. 

Diving into books and blogs and courses on mindfulness and productivity, I immersed myself in some new teachings and replaced many of my old negative habits with many positive new ones.

I’ve since become a lot more intentional and purposeful with how I live my life and who and what enters it. I have needed to shed those that continue to drain my energy and bring me down. I had held on to them for far too long because I felt guilty to leave.


Reducing the clutter around me in my home and work environments was another gargantuan improvement. It helped me to think more clearly and operate more effectively. Simple habits, routines, and systems made the world of a difference! And this shift has improved the quality and joy of my everyday living.

I want to share with you 5 things I’ve learned that you can do to live more intentionally and be more productive:
  1. Be MINDFUL of what you give your time to. Distractions (yes, like checking email, social media, and tv) can destroy your creativity and workflow. Set aside specific times a few times a day to do this. ie. 3x/day at 8 am, 12 pm, and 4 pm. Take breaks during the day- go for a walk at lunchtime, have a power nap, or maybe check up on a loved one.

  2. Be GRATEFUL for the little things and the big things that you encounter. Take some time to smell the roses, breathe the fresh air or write in your gratitude journal. Try to count your blessings (chances are you won’t be able to, there will be too many!)

  3. Set daily GOALS- 3 for work and 3 personal. Make sure that these goals are moving you toward your bigger life-changing goals. Remember not to be overambitious and overcrowd your schedule, but make your goals S.M.A.R.T: (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)

  4. FOCUS on one thing at a time avoiding distraction. Stop trying to multitask- your brain will be jumping all over the place and your lack of focus will affect the quality of the work you are doing. In addition, your calmer mind will thank you and you will get more productive work done!

  5. CELEBRATE your small wins and be adaptable. Every win (no matter how small) is a win and deserves to be celebrated! On the flip side, don’t be too hard on yourself, if your plan has to change. One of the traits of successful people is their ability to pivot, adapt and create when things out of their control happen (and they will!)


Living more intentionally and productively has helped me accomplish more in a shorter space of time and feel fulfilled doing so. These concepts can be applied to both your work and your personal life to help you achieve that delicate but ever-important work-life balance.


I hope these tips will help increase the quality of your life as it has mine. One key ingredient I need to remind you of is ACTION. You can have all the knowledge in the world but if you do not act, nothing will change.

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” -Pablo Picasso

Small habits consistently executed over time give big results. Do not underestimate the power of small steps. We all deserve to live good quality lives and sometimes we underestimate how much we can do to achieve this for ourselves and our families. With the right mindset, the right information, and consistent action, we may surprise ourselves how far we can go!


Wishing you success on your journey and please when you have knowledge that can help, use it and share it with someone who needs it!


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