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What Business Advice Would you Give to Your 20-Year Old Self?

Dec 08, 2021

If you could go back in time, and coach your 20-year old self through the business game, what are some of the most important lessons you would want to share?


You know it’s funny, many of us grow up yearning for this fountain of youth that will keep us young forever.  There is a sense of energy and freedom associated with youth.

In my life experience, however, I feel as though I get happier as I get older.  The uncertainty, the insecurities, the inability to cope with life - my lack of tools and knowledge (that we all have as kids and teens), have all started to melt away as I grow with age.

Even though adulting can be hard, it can also be incredibly freeing.  I am grateful that now I have the knowledge and skills to increase my energy, and be healthier.  I can stay up as late as I want, eat sushi in bed and be able to afford the sushi that I can eat in bed.  (In case you couldn’t tell, eating in the bedrooms was forbidden when I was a child ;)

So chances are, for many of us, it goes without saying that we would have a lot of life lessons to share, especially when it comes to the working world.

Here is some of the best business advice I’ve learned over the years.

1.  Don’t be afraid to fail.

There is no failure, only learning.  Use this learning to grow, be better and fuel your way forward.

2.  Have mentors and success models.

Learning what works and what doesn’t work from others that have achieved what you want to achieve, will fast track your results. 

3.  Be aware of trading your  time for money. 

Depending on your financial goals, you may want to consider spending your time and effort investing in passive recurring revenue.

By investing in assets, you can actually have your money work for you.  

Warren Buffett’s famous quote states:  

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

4.  Harness the power of a great team. 

You don’t need to do everything on your own.  In fact, you usually can’t do everything on your own.  There is value in having a team that is well trained, as well as having experts around you and a community to advise you in different situations.

5.  Add value and keep your values.  

Solve a problem and add value for other people, and you will have a successful business.  In order for your business to be fulfilling for you, keep your integrity and focus on serving and positively impacting the lives of others.

6.  Sharpen your saw.

Take care of yourself on a holistic level. The interconnectedness of mind, body and soul is of utmost importance when needing to show up as the best version of yourself. I’m not talking about perfection here, but rather the ability to put your best foot forward, in a way that is both healthy for you and those around you.

7.  Passion, purpose and discipline are a magic combo.

Consistently keep these three things aligned, and you will be amazed at the things you can accomplish.


To our 20-year old selves: you are enough, you are special and you have an incredible journey ahead of you.  Keep your head high and move forward with confidence and humility.

You got this!

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